
Constitution of Pty Ltd Company

This document allows you to outline and define how your company can operate. It sets out the duties and rights of your workers, including members, directors and secretaries. This is recommended for all companies with extensive members. If you choose not to create a constitution, your company may instead be governed by other rules set out in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), which may be too broad or general for your company.

Things to consider before creating your document:

  • The name of your company, and whether it is registered yet.
  • The structure of your company.
  • How many people are a part of your company?
  • Voting rules.

Constitution of pty ltd company, here should be considered general in nature, and in no way interpreted as legal advice. You must always obtain your own independent legal, accounting and financial advice about your particular situation. The summary on this page is for information purposes only.

The price for this document is $89. 

To start creating your Constitution Of Pty Ltd Company, just answer the questions below.

Please note that the information on this website and the downloading of any online solution does not constitute legal advice. When you purchase an online solution, this does not establish a lawyer-client relationship. Documents, while highly detailed, are templated and final documents created based on your responses. To get specialised assistance and establish a lawyer-client relationship, please contact us direct.